Open the Planner
- Enter the URL in the address bar of your browser.
- Log in with your user name and password to access the Planner user interface.
If you have already created publications, the recently edited ones are displayed here.
With the search function you can filter your publications according to certain criteria.

Search – New Search
- Click on the search field in the header of the Planner.
- Click on the + tab to create a new search.
- Enter a name for the search or have it automatically generated.
- Clicking the drop-down box under Search Criteria will give you a drop-down list of search criteria. Search in all checks whether the entered string is present in at least one of the publication attributes Company/Publisher/Object, Title/Edition, Name, TAK (short), TAK (long), or Print Group.
- Confirm your entries with Create.
Search – My saved searches
You can permanently save any number of searches. To do this, check the Save to my searches box when you create a new search. You can view saved searches under the My saved searches tab in the search box menu.
Search – Recent searches
The list of Recent searches contains the 20 most recent searches that were not saved permanently in chronological order.
Change scope – insert or delete pages
- Select Edit publication in the publication menu.
- Enter the desired number of pages in the Total pages field.
- Confirm the change with OK.
If you click on a page of an existing publication, you can also add or remove pages via the publication header.
Create new document from page template
- Click the first page of your publication where you want to place the page template.
- Click the InDesign icon in the page header. A dialog box appears with the title Open or create document.
- In the From page template tab, select the page template you want. You can search for specific page templates in the search field.
- Optionally, you can select whether the document should be opened in InDesign.
Additional information: Multi-page templates are treated as a page sequence.
Creating a new document from a local InDesign document
- Click the page in your publication where you want to place the first page of the page template.
- Select the InDesign icon in the page header. A dialog box appears with the title Open or create document.
- Click on the From document tab.
- Select the desired file by clicking the Select Document button.
Update publication
When you make changes to your publication, it updates itself. The time interval for these updates can be set in the administration menu of the planner. If you want to update the publication manually, select the Reload publication button located in the header of the planner to the right of the publication title.
Content search
- Open the Content Search tab to the right of the publication.
- Select article or images under Channel to search for articles or images.
- Enter a search term.
- Click on Search or press the Enter key. Matching content is now displayed in a list.

Place article on page
- Find the article you want to place in the Content Search.
- Drag and drop the article onto the desired page of the publication. A dialog box appears.
- Select the content group in which you want to place the article.
Additional information: If you want to replace the placed article, drag the new article to the page of the publication and select the content group again.
Delete page templates from pages
- In the publication, click one of the pages whose assigned page template is to be removed.
- Select Revoke document in the page menu. Now the page template is deleted from the pages. If it was a multi-page pattern, the page sequence will remain.
- If you want to delete the page sequence as well, select the Revoke page sequence button located to the left of the page menu.
Open a document in InDesign
- Click a page of the document you want to open in InDesign.
- Select the InDesign icon in the page header. Now the document is opened in InDesign.
Additional information: As long as the document is open in InDesign, it is locked in Planner and cannot be edited. This is indicated by a pencil icon at the top of the pages.
Open page preview
- In the Planner, click the page you want to display.
- Select the magnifier icon in the page header. Now the page preview opens.
When the page preview is open, you can open the document in InDesign by clicking on the InDesign icon on the right.
View page information
- In the Planner, click the page whose information you want to view.
- Select the i icon in the page header. Now information about the selected page is displayed.
Open page layout
- In the Planner, click the page whose page layout you want to open.
- Select the pencil icon in the page header. The page layout will now open.
Changing the view of the publication
- Click the button to the right of Create Publication in the header menu.
- Choose between small, medium and large view.
Create and edit page sequences
A page sequence is a group of adjacent pages that are interpreted in the Planner as belonging together. If you click on a page of a page sequence, all pages of this page sequence are highlighted.
Create page sequence
- In the publication, Ctrl-click the pages you want to include in a page sequence.
- To select consecutive pages, click the first page of the page sequence and, while holding down the Shift key, click the last page. Now all the pages in between will be selected as well.
- Click the Create page sequence button.
Revoking a page sequence
- Click a page of the page sequence to select it.
- Click the Revoke page sequence button. If an InDesign document has already been assigned to the pages, you must first unassign the document in the page menu.
Move page content
Page contents can be relocated within a publication using drag and drop.
- Click on a single page or on a page of the page sequence that you want to relocate.
- Drag the page sequence to the new position while holding down the mouse button.
Page clipboard
The page clipboard is used to park pages, for example to insert them into other publications.
Parking pages in the page clipboard
- Open the Page clipboard tab to the right of the publication.
- Drag and drop the pages to the Move page content to page clipboard area in the page tray.
Likewise, pages can be dragged back into a publication. For this, the publication must always be selected.
Search for documents
- Click on the search field in the page clipboard.
- Enter a search term or filter according to the predefined criteria All, Stored by me, From the same edition or Without topic. Now matching pages will be displayed.
Deleting pages from the page clipboard
- In the page clipboard, click on the content you want to delete.
- Select the trash bin icon that appears.
- Confirm the operation by clicking OK.
Additional information: Deleting the original page, page section, or publication from which the page content was saved does not delete the corresponding entry in the page clipboard, so the page content or document will still be available for use in subsequent publications.
Generate support information
If errors occur while working in the Planner and you need help from support, you can generate support information for this purpose, which is saved on the server.
- Select the Generate support info item in the user menu.
- Copy the name of the ZIP file.
- Write an e-mail to with a short description of the problem.