tohoop offers you an interface for the bidirectional exchange of content (text and images) between a WebCMS and an Adobe InDesign-based publishing workflow. Currently, the WebCMS Thunder, Drupal, WordPress and CoreMedia are supported. tohoop always fits into the existing workflows and extends the playout options of the WebCMS to include the print channel. The tohoop interface allows you to exchange content between the WebCMS and Adobe InDesign. It also controls the display of content placed in InDesign in the form of a layout-true page preview in the WebCMS. In addition, the interface implements the conversion of text styling defined in the WebCMS into InDesign paragraph and character styles.
In the tohoop Planner web interface you manage and plan publications. With the use of InDesign template documents you can layout pages efficiently and with recurring design. You manage the upload of templates and the definition of format assignments in the admin area. You can either place the WebCMS content directly in InDesign documents using the tohoop InDesign plugins or assign pages using the tohoop Planner web interface without having to use InDesign. The InDesign plugins also provide additional functions such as the display of overset text or the use of lines as a unit of measurement.